Update April 2021
Many new and wonderful resources have appeared since I first made this list, so this month is update month.
New entries will be labeled NEW2021.
And if you find any dead links in the original list, please let me know. I'm trying to clean them out, but it takes (too much) time!
Rigid Heddle Resources
Well, my blog traffic seems to have skyrocketed, thanks to a lovely link from The Yarn Harlot (thanks Stephanie, you're very kind), and since most of you are here for info about the Rigid Heddle, I thought I'd just put up a quick links page of the posts I've done on RH weaving. Some of these posts include photos to show the process, some are just show-and-tell. Many list resources for further study.1. Simple plain weave projects that let the yarn do the work - probably the best use of this loom for a beginner (or anyone, really, it's always fun).
Feb. 4, 2010 first scarf ever
Feb. 16, 2010 after Madrona class
March 2010
2. Color and Weave Effects - Log Cabin - also plain weave, but with 2 colors in a pattern
Sept. 2010
3. Spaced Out Felted Weave - plain weave again, but with spacers (and felting)
Feb. 5, 2010 and Feb. 6, 2010 and Feb. 10, 2010
4. Woven Shibori - plain weave with a supplemental weft (or warp) thread, and over-dyeing (August is Indigo Dye Day)
Feb. 19, 2010
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2012
5. Pick-up Lace and Float patterns - plain weave with hand manipulated and pick up stick textures and patterns
March 2, 2010
6. Waffle Weave - plain weave with weft floats (pick up stick)
May 2010
7. Double Heddle/Pick Up Stick Weave Structures
June 2010 Double Weave - plain weave, but kind of not simple plain weave (needs a pick up stick!)
April 2012 Summer and Winter - well, it's got some plain weave in it . . .
And since I taught beginning and intermediate Rigid Heddle Weaving last year, I just happen to have a bibliography handy:
Books (print and e-books) and Magazines:
- NEW2021 Mitchell, Syne, Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom, Storey Publishing, 2015 - Another big book of endless (and interesting) ideas and variations with full color illustrations + basic weaving info, direct peg and indirect (warping board) warping, materials/sett selection, color theory, color and weave, using pick-up sticks, hand manipulated lace, inlay, textured yarns, double and triple (!) heddle techniques, glossary of weaving terms, and so much more.
- NEW2021 Gipson, Liz, Handwoven Home, Interweave Press, 2017 - Has 20 rigid heddle projects to fill your home! Includes all the info you need to create these items, as well as handy tips for better weaving. (errata available on her website https://yarnworker.com/shop/handwoven-home-by-liz-gipson/ - autographed copies too!)
- NEW2021 Easy Weaving with Little Looms - magazine from Long Thread Media (the new Interweave) has zoom loom, inkle, card weaving and other small loom articles/projects, but mostly rigid heddle. Published 4 times yearly now - print and digital subscriptions or buy single copies - https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/easy-weaving-with-little-looms-summer-2021
- Davenport, Betty Linn, Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving, Interweave Press, 1987 - good variety of projects including pick-up lace and band weaving + excellent basic weaving info, but beware - the warping shown uses a warping board and much more complicated process (like the multi-shaft looms use).
- Davenport, Betty Linn, Textures and Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom, Revised Edition, 2008 - no basic weaving info, but lots of info on using pick up sticks for floats and textures (includes an excellent section on double weave) - note: all illustrations are black and white.
- Hart, Rowena, The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving, Ashford Handicrafts Limited, 2008 - new edition with some really interesting and creative projects (color and weave, tapestry, lace, shibori, rya) + excellent basic weaving info and direct peg warping with lots of photo illustrations (double heddle threading info is great, but there are easier ways to do summer/winter).
- Gipson, Liz, Weaving Made Easy: 17 Projects Using a Simple Loom, Interweave Press, 2008 - good simple projects (including some laces) + excellent basic weaving info and materials/sett selection, but beware - the warping shown uses a warping board and much more complicated process (like the multi-shaft looms use).
- Lamb, Sara, Woven Treasures: One-of-a-Kind Bags with Folk Weaving Techniques, Interweave Press, 2009 - great variety of techniques + excellent basic weaving info including direct peg warping for single and double heddle, and warping for band weaving (project note - only the first bag is single heddle, for the rest you need 2 heddles).
- Menz, Deb, Color Works: The Crafter’s Guide to Color, Interweave Press, 2004 - no weaving, but lots of great info about color and color combinations.
- Patrick, Jane, The Weaver’s Idea Book: Creative Cloth on a Rigid-Heddle Loom, Interweave Press, 2010 - The big book of endless (and interesting) ideas and variations with full color illustrations + basic weaving info, direct peg warping, materials/sett selection, double heddle techniques, glossary of weaving terms.
- NEW2021 "Best of Handwoven: New Technique Series: Rigid Heddle Pattern Book" 1, 2, and 3 PDF (e-book) - https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/rigid-heddle-weaving https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/best-of-handwoven-rigid-heddle-technique-and-pattern-book-2 https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/best-of-hw-rigid-heddle-technique-and-pattern-ebook-3
- More Long Thread Media - "Handwoven Loom Theory rigid heddle scarf collection" https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/handwoven-loom-theory-rigid-heddle-scarf-collection and "Handwoven Loom Theory rigid heddle scarf collection 2019" https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/handwoven-loom-theory-rigid-heddle-scarf-collection-2019 And free table runner patterns (log cabin, waffle weave, and spaced warp) https://handwovenmagazine.com/free-table-runner-patterns-from-weaving-today/
- Handwoven Presents: Top Ten Rigid-Heddle Table and Kitchen Linens https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/handwoven-presents-top-ten-rigid-heddle-table-and-kitchen-linens
- Hand Woven Magazine, Long Thread Media - mainly for multi-shaft and only has Rigid Heddle sometimes, but also look for 2-shaft projects and plain weave projects (they may be set on a 4-shaft loom, but if it's plain weave, we can do it!)(probably). Try the indexes https://handwovenmagazine.com/2012-septoct-2016/
- NEW2021 And if you really need a challenge, here's David Xenakis "for the construction of four- harness textiles on a rigid heddle loom - http://www.knittinguniverse.com/XenakisTechnique
- Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom, with Jane Patrick, Interweave DVD, 2011.
- Slots and Holes: Three Ways to Warp a Rigid Heddle Loom, Liz Gipson, Interweave DVD, 2012.
- A Fiber Artist’s Guide to Color, with Laura Bryant, Interweave DVD, 2011.
- NEW2021 - Double your Fun:Doubleweave on a Rigid Heddle Loom, Liz Gipson, Interweave DVD and/or download, 2016 https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/double-your-fun-doubleweave-on-a-rigid-heddle-loom-video-download?fbclid=IwAR2bLrL2YeEiyirWAXWoVlMxZksD_iOYY5-Ue3Ijgbv1LAmCixjIju_7als
- NEW2021 - Life after Warping, Liz Gipson, Handwoven DVD and/or download, 2013 https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/life-after-warping
- NEW2021 - Twice as Nice:Weaving with Two Heddles on a Rigid Heddle Loom, Liz Gipson, Interweave, 2016 https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/twice-as-nice-weaving-with-two-heddles-on-a-rigid-heddle-loom-video-download
Online Classes
- NEW2021 Yarnworker (Liz Gipson) - website, links, blog - https://yarnworker.com as well as classes ($) and weave-alongs (free during the weave-along, small fee after that) - https://www.yarnworkerschool.com also a YouTube channel with free videos on various topics and a store with handy products and books https://yarnworker.com/?s=a+weaver%27s+guide to go with the classes and weave-alongs. Think about becoming a patron (Patreon) - support the Yarnworker School and get perks!
- NEW2021 (coming soon) Jane Patrick at Schacht Spindle Company is starting to offer classes soon ($) - https://www.schachtspindle.com/product/weaving-with-two-heddles-sampler-course-kit/?__s=wj2aqugmnvmsyorq7yvo&utm_source=drip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Check+out+Schacht’s+newest+product+and+upcoming+two+heddle+weaving+courses+and+kits!&utm_content=HW+04.02.21+Schacht+%28A%29
- NEW2021 Deborah Jarchow - check her class schedule page for $ classes and some free demos (Textiles and Tea) http://www.deborahjarchow.com/?fbclid=IwAR2yH-d1L4YOcEDzgYRGA7uiDTpuddC37V_B7x3S26H_oAzgbFEOUN4ZeHU
- NEW2021 Amy D McKnight - lots of great YouTube videos (free) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIJEAR4FAtxjXuJJKSAZlcQ/featured
- NEW2021 Esther Rodgers - Expressive Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom - Expressive and free-form weaving with mixed warps with mixed weave techniques (Soumak, loops, Rya knots, inlay, etc.) ($) https://learn.longthreadmedia.com/courses/expressive-weaving-on-a-rigid-heddle-loom
- NEW2021 Kelly Casanova - website, blog, short videos, classes ($) (ads on site - a little annoying) - https://kellycasanovaweavinglessons.com also a YouTube channel with a few free videos on various topics.
Yarn and Patterns
- NEW2021 Cotton Clouds - patterns, kits, and clubs as well as yarn (mostly cottons)(yeah), looms, books and DVDs - https://cottonclouds.com/collections/clubs/products/weaving-through-the-seasons-towel-kit-club-for-rigid-heddle and https://cottonclouds.com/products/super-soft-cotton-towel-kit-of-the-month-club-for-rigid-heddle?_pos=5&_sid=8b2e5b6f4&_ss=r and https://cottonclouds.com/collections/patterns and more https://cottonclouds.com/search?page=1&q=rigid+heddle&type=product
- NEW2021 gist yarn - yarn and patterns and kits - https://www.gistyarn.com/collections/weaving-patterns-and-kits?_=pf&pf_t_loom_type=loom%3ARigid%20Heddle
- NEW2021 Lunatic FringeYarns - yarns and patterns - https://lunaticfringeyarns.com/product-category/kits/rigid-heddle-projects/
Social Media
- NEW2021 Ravelry - https://www.ravelry.com/account/login has several weaving groups that share info - still active ones are “Rigid Heddle Looms” for all RH weavers, and "Yarnworker" for followers of Liz Gipson. It’s free, but you have to join Ravelry (it's good, just do it).
- Facebook also has a few Rigid Heddle Weavers groups - my favorite is Rigid Heddle Looms (very supportive people).
Online resources:
- https://www.weavezine.com/spring2008/wz_sp08_SyneMitchell.php.html - shawl/scarf from a painted skein warp (yarn with regular repeating pattern).
- https://www.weavezine.com/index.html the weavezine archive - every kind of weaving, but some of these are for Rigid Heddle!
- https://handwovenmagazine.com/master-yarn-chart/ - the master yarn chart! find your sett (the middle number in a set of three is for plain weave) (but you should still sample, just to make sure it's what you want)
- http://www.youtube.com/user/PattyAnnesPlace - lots of how-to videos
- NEW2021 And here's an interesting blogger I just discovered (she also has a YouTube channel) - https://www.therogueweaver.com/blog
Project Planning
- http://weavolution.com/weaving-calculator your online fill in the blanks form for figuring out how much yarn you’ll need!
Lace Weaving
- http://farmnana.blogspot.com/2010/03/lace-sampler-scarf.html - pick up lace sampler (like the one we’ll be making in the intermediate classes)
- Best of Handwoven: New Technique Series: Rigid Heddle Pattern Book 1 PDF (e-book) https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/rigid-heddle-weaving has a pick-up lace wall hanging project with lots of nice patterns, plus 6 other Rigid Heddle projects
- Davenport, Betty Linn, Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving, Interweave Press, 1987 - has a few good lace patterns in a linen table runner project
- Patrick, Jane, The Weaver’s Idea Book: Creative Cloth on a Rigid-Heddle Loom, Interweave Press, 2010 - has tons of info on various lace structures
Color and Weave Effects
- http://farmnana.blogspot.com/2010/09/end-of-summer-blues.html - scroll down for log cabin weave
- Patrick, Jane, The Weaver’s Idea Book: Creative Cloth on a Rigid-Heddle Loom, Interweave Press, 2010 - has tons of info on various color and weave effects
Double Heddle Weaving
- HandWoven magazine, March/April 2010, "Rigid-heddle Doubleweave" by Jane Patrick
- http://farmnana.blogspot.com/2010/06/rigid-heddle-double-heddle-double-weave.html
- Betty Linn Davenport, Textures and Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom, Revised Edition, 2008, pgs. 58 - 60
Woven Shibori
- https://www.weavezine.com/content/woven-shibori-rigid-heddle-loom.html - woven Shibori step-by-step
- http://farmnana.blogspot.com/2010/02/woven-shibori-scarf.html - woven Shibori scarf
- Hart, Rowena, The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving, Ashford Handicrafts Limited, 2008 - fun improvisational woven Shibori
- Ellis, Catharine, Woven Shibori, Interweave Press, 2005 - the ultimate woven Shibori resource to have, although only some of the patterns are plain weave (for Rigid Heddle)
Summer/Winter Weave
- http://farmnana.blogspot.com/2012/04/rigid-heddle-summer-winter-weave.html
- Hart, Rowena, The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving, Ashford Handicrafts Limited, 2008 – has a different way of doing Summer/Winter (I think my way is easier, however)
Waffle Weave
- http://farmnana.blogspot.com/2012/05/rigid-heddle-waffle-weave.html
- NEW2021 most of my waffle weave info is now on a new blog page (rigid heddle resources are at the bottom, but you might like to browse the rest of the info) https://farmnana.blogspot.com/2021/04/waffle-ing.html
NEW2021 Krokbragd
- Patrick, Jane, The Weaver’s Idea Book: Creative Cloth on a Rigid-Heddle Loom, Interweave Press, 2010
- Handwoven Magazine Mar/Apr 2021, pgs. 29-31 - krokbragd "Mid-Mod Coasters" by Yvonne Ellsworth.
- Davenport, Betty Linn, Textures and Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom, Revised Edition, 2008
- Yarnworker class (Liz Gipson)($) https://www.yarnworkerschool.com/courses/rag-rug-weave-along
- Kelly Casanova class ($) https://kelly-casanova-weaving-lessons.teachable.com/p/krokbragd-101/?preview=logged_out
- blog tutorial with link to sheep pattern PDF https://www.schachtspindle.com/krokbragd-on-the-rigid-heddle-loom/
- and David Xenakis (master of multi-shaft to rigid heddle conversions) - this is a Dropbox item - just download it and save it or print it https://www.dropbox.com/s/ncn5wh1haqcv6j0/Blended%20Draft%20for%20Krokbragd.pdf?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR2KWVY_3qWSxSM-M1NvPQnqZ8gpnOyBc7arqOqRRXBdoKxKuvN6Il3xq_I
- Yarns, looms, weaving supplies, and more – http://www.paradisefibers.net/
- Yarns, looms, weaving supplies, and more - http://www.yarnbarn-ks.com/
- Yarns - http://www.yarn.com/
Thank you so much for these invaluable resources! I just received a rigid heddle loom for Christmas, and I will no doubt be returning to this page again and again.
ReplyDeleteHow very nice of you! This compiled list is wonderful. Weaving is below spinning on my list of aspirations, but I am utterly enchanted with your quilts.. I'm so glad to have wandered over here from Stephanie's post. Your challenges blow my mind.. wow!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing information. Thank you SO very much!
ReplyDeleteHi, I just recently got interested in weaving, and after over three months of reading and surfing the Internet and You Tube for "How to Weave" for beginners, I purchased a Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle 24" loom. My first set of towels were a disaster. My second pair of towels took me over 16 (nonstop) hours of measuring warp and warping the loom, etc.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for different techniques to weave other than the plain weave when I saw this page. This page is very, very helpful for someone new like me who knows very little of weaving techniques. Thank you for sharing your techniques and resources. I really appreciate it because now I can practice other weave patterns.
I would like to know how to use the pick up sticks for different pattern effects. Would you have any resources for pick up stick techniques?
Thank you
Thanks so much Nancy!
ReplyDeleteSue from Study Group